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Belt, Key Fob & Bag Strap Finishing

Measure a belt currently worn from the hole that is most worn to the the point of the belt buckle prong. 
fininished belt measurement
The length of the stitching will be 6 inches shorter than the desired size of the belt. 
(i.e. For a 36" belt size, the length of stitching should be 30")
Stitching Instructions:
  • Stitch 6 inches less than the desired size of the belt
  • Stitch 2 extra rows on the top and bottom of the stitched area which will be folded, creating an edge
  • If preferred, instead of stitching 2 extra rows, a binding stitch on top and bottom can be done
  • Choice of Gold or Silver Tone, Solid Brass, or Customer’s own buckle